Recently an interesting thread was posted on the horse and hounds forum. It raised the question to yard owners of "Do you know which vets your liveries are registered with?"
There were a mix of replies some saying yes, some saying no (and some not sure why they would). In our experience, as we talk to yard owners whilst we're demonstrating At The Yard, it is Yes. The majority of yard owners keep records on which Vet their liveries are registered with and the contact details for them. Personally we think this is essential in the case of an emergency (especially when the owner cannot be contacted).
On top of simply collecting this information when a livery arrives, we think it's essential that this information is kept up to date (when was the last time you asked all your liveries to check the information was still correct?)
To help livery yard owners (and their customers) who use At The Yard keep track of this information, update it when it changes and to help them access it when they need it we built it into At The Yard.
With At The Yard Setting and updating this information can be done from anywhere as soon as your livery finds out it has changed. More importantly when you need to ring someone like the vet it is at your finger tips, right there on your phone!