Horse jumping over the text At The Yard
06 February 2020

Messages & Events

Product Update , Guide

At The Yard has a wide range of ways for your customers to record their needs/requests. From Facility Bookings through to Service Orders the customer can choose what they need when they need it (inline with the rules and restrictions you put in place as the yard manager).

However, as much as structure is important, there is always somethings we can’t predict or don’t fit into a predefined box. You need to let your customers let you know what’s going on or allow them to give you and/or the entire yard a message.

To support this we have what we call Messages & Events. This allows you to simply write your message (as you might do on a whiteboard or notebook), choose the horse(s) (if any) the message applies to and finally choose to share it with everyone or just yourself and staff. It’s as easy & as quick as that.

Of course the benefit of putting it into At The Yard is that the customer can write the message from anywhere and that it can be read from anywhere (the office, the stable block etc).

Some examples of this might be:

  • Can you please leave my horse in his box today.
  • Can you please put the blue rug on when turning out.
  • The farrier is coming on the 05/05/20 at 12:00.
  • A clinic is being run all day in the main school on the 10/04/20.

We’ve recently released an update to the Messages & Events system to, by default, make it easier and quicker to create the message. The update removes the requirement to add a time to the event. This means you no longer have to choose a time for an event which applies all day (e.g. putting on a rug) whilst still retaining the ability to be more specific when necessary (e.g. when letting people know when the farrier is coming).

Showing the date selection without a time.

After clicking ‘Add Time’. Showing the time entry options.

And like most things in At The Yard this is then shown both on a users personal calendar & the staff forecast view.

The user calendar view showing the Farrier Appointment.

This update makes a small improvement to the usability of an existing feature. We’re working on some major new features so keep an eye on our blog & Facebook to keep up to date.