This blog has been very quiet since our last update back in March. Since then due to Covid-19 the world has changed for all of us! And so, it seemed appropriate to issue a general update here on the blog. To begin with we are all thankfully safe and well. The majority of the work that makes up At The Yard can be done remotely. Apart from now mostly talking to customers on the phone or via video conference instead of meeting you in person, the day to day work has remained mostly the same.
As you’d expect we’ve been speaking to yards who have had to make difficult choices to maintain the safety of their staff, liveries and customers. They’ve taken all sorts of actions from highly strict yard visiting schedules through to the yards who have had to make the incredibly difficult choice to restrict access completely during the worst part of the pandemic. This has been hard for them on both a personal level and as a business.
It is, in part, for this reason we’ve not been updating the blog. We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes helping our existing customers as well as some of the new yards who have got in contact with us during the pandemic. We made the choice to prioritise product development and customer support over any blog posts or social media - a choice we’ve been happy with but we’d be lying if we didn’t say we were excited to get back to it!
Thankfully the world has begun to return to the ‘new normal’. And happily with the new normal came the return of riding, teaching lessons and other equine activities (all be it with some restrictions).
It has been incredibly gratifying to see how the product we’ve built over the years has been able to help during these difficult times. Like all of you we don’t know what will happen in the world over the coming months and so we are going to continue to develop features that will be of use should the worst happen and some version of ‘lock down’ returns.
We’ll be announcing these along with other features in the next few weeks.
Until then keep safe,
Ashley Griffiths
Managing Director of With A Dot Ltd
Makers of At The Yard