Horse jumping over the text At The Yard
23 September 2019

Introducing Rotas

Product Update , Feature Tour , Guide

Today we’re introducing a new feature to help you manage your yards - Rotas.

With Rota’s you can manage the day-to-day operation of your yard. Anything from who’s working on what day through to managing who’s responsible for poo picking which field throughout the week.

By managing your Rota in At The Yard you can ensure that your customers and staff always have the latest, up-to date Rota.

How to Set-Up Your Rota’s

We’ve made it quick and easy to create a new rota, all you need to do is go to the management tab and click on Rotas.

From there you can click on Create New Rota. This will bring you to the Rota editing screen where you can choose the Rota Group name (e.g. Poo Picking). You can then give titles to the individual parts of the Rota (in this example the name of the paddocks) and select on which days who will be responsible for clearing them. When done, you click on ‘Create’ or ‘Update’ and your Rota will be ready to go.

The Rota Editing Screen

Once you’ve setup your first Rota your customer will have a new Rota button on the menu. They can click this button and see all the Rotas at the yard - always kept up to date with the latest changes.

Finally when they click onto a rota group they’ll see the Rota and then - get on with the Poo Picking!

As with many of our new features, this came from a discussion with a new yard we were demoing the software to. So if you have any feedback of existing features or would like to suggest new ones we’re always happy to hear them! Drop us a message on the contact form on our home page!

29 March 2019

Setting up Horse Shares, Syndicate Horses and Yard Horses

Feature Tour , Guide

A few weeks ago we added the ability to share horses; between liveries, to the whole yard or for a syndicate group of owners.

All the sharing options are setup in the management horse view. To get to this view go to the menu and click Management -> Yard Horses and click on Show on the horse you’re sharing.

Scroll down and find the Add Share button to set it up. On this page you’ll have all the sharing options in the system with which you can configure your shares. The rest of this post will look at the different sharing scenarios available to you.

Sharers for a Livery Horse

This scenario is used when you have a livery on your yard who has a private sharer. You can set the sharer an account up and then share your liveries horse to the new sharers account. The sharer will then be able to book lessons, purchase products etc. with/for that horse.

Horses Available Yard Wide

This scenario can be used for yards which offer yard horses as part of a membership to the yard. Once setup every user at the yard can access the shared horse to book facilities (the school) or order services (a lesson) with/for that horse.

Syndicate Horse

Syndicate horses are horses that are owned by a group of users. A key element of these horses is that everything involved in the horses upkeep must be billed to the horse and then split amongst the syndicate owners. When it comes to billing time At The Yard will automatically split the bill amongst the syndicates. Take a look at the video below to see how.

P.S. If you've stumbled across this page and have your own livery yard we'd love to show you more. At The Yard is the game changing equine livery yard management app that we promise will save you time and money. Please visit our contact page and get in touch.

28 February 2019

Yard Events - #FeatureFocusFriday

Feature Tour

Every #FeatureFocusFriday we focus on a particular feature in At The Yard, exploring how you can use it for your yard. This week we’re looking at the Yard Events feature.

Every day there is something going on, from vets and dentists visits all the way through to construction work that might be taking place. Keeping everyone informed is essential for keeping a harmonious and safe environment for everyone (both horses and people).

Making a New Event

Any user can make an event. In this example, we are going to make an event for the entire yard as a staff member. Step 1 is going to the “Staff” menu and clicking on ‘Yard Events’.

And then click on ‘New Event’.

This brings up the ‘Yard Event’ page which allows you to enter the details of the event; time, date, duration, description and user to which it applies (if applicable). Finally it has the option to tick the ‘Public’ button. When ticked it’ll make this event visible to every single user at your yard - great for when something is happening yard wide.


And that’s all there is to it. The event will now be visible to staff and liveries alike and everyone will be kept informed of the construction work (or whatever’s happening at your yard).

The Event in the Staff Calendar

The Event in the User Calendar

Like all features in At The Yard the aim of the events system is to make things quick, easy and simple. In this case it’s getting information to your liveries in a timely and visible fashion, helping keep livery satisfaction high whilst saving you time.

See you next Friday!