Horse jumping over the text At The Yard
23 March 2019

Editing Logo Size


Following on with our tradition of being late with #FeatureFocusFriday today (a Saturday 😂) we’re looking at how to change the size of the logo used on your invoices. It’s really quick and easy but can have a significant impact on the look of your invoices.

Step 1

Visit the Configure Yard page by clicking on the Admin menu button and going down to Configure Yard.

Step 2

Scroll down and click on Edit Logo Size

Step 3

Move the slider back and forth to change the size of the logo. When you’re happy with it’s size click update.

That’s all there is to it! From now on your invoices will have the correct size logo. If you’re not happy you can always come back and tweak it again and again until you like it.

04 February 2019

Creating Additional Admin Users


“No Man is an Island”

— John Donne

No man (or women) is an island and either is a yard owner. It takes many people from the owner, to grooms through to perhaps your bookkeeper or accountant. With At The Yard you can add all your team to the system with their own account.

This guide will show you how to setup an additional admin user but the same principle can be used to create users with any roles (e.g staff users).

Step 1 - Go to the Admin Users Page

Click on the Admin button and click on Users.

Step 2 - Creating a new user

Note: You may be able to skip this step if you’ve already created your user and only wish to make that user an admin.

Click on ‘Create a Non-Login User’.

Fill in the new users information.

When finished click on ‘Create User’. It’ll go back to the admin users page. Find your new users and click on ‘Manage User’

Navigate through the page to find the ‘Manage User’ box, within that box click on ‘Allow user to login’.

At this point you’ll need to log out of your original At The Yard account by clicking on your name and clicking Sign Out.

You’ll have received an email asking you to set a password. Simply follow the instructions and you’ll have a new user in the system.

You will then need to then log out of your new account and log back into your original admin account before proceeding with step 3.

Step 3 - Making the user an admin

Once you’ve logged back in as your original admin user go back to the Admin Users page and find your new user. Once again click on ‘Manage User’ at the end of their row. This will load the new user management page. Find the Manage User box and this time click on ‘Edit User’.

Scroll to the bottom and find the section call ‘User Roles’, by default it’ll only have the User box ticked. Select all the boxes for the roles your new user requires. It is our recommendation to include all roles (apart from Assistant) for an admin user (e.g for an admin user tick Admin, User, Manager and Staff).

Click on ‘Update User’ and that will save the users new roles.

The user has now been made an admin. You can log out of your original account and login with your new user and you’ll have access to everything you need to get your job done.

28 February 2019

Yard Events - #FeatureFocusFriday

Feature Tour

Every #FeatureFocusFriday we focus on a particular feature in At The Yard, exploring how you can use it for your yard. This week we’re looking at the Yard Events feature.

Every day there is something going on, from vets and dentists visits all the way through to construction work that might be taking place. Keeping everyone informed is essential for keeping a harmonious and safe environment for everyone (both horses and people).

Making a New Event

Any user can make an event. In this example, we are going to make an event for the entire yard as a staff member. Step 1 is going to the “Staff” menu and clicking on ‘Yard Events’.

And then click on ‘New Event’.

This brings up the ‘Yard Event’ page which allows you to enter the details of the event; time, date, duration, description and user to which it applies (if applicable). Finally it has the option to tick the ‘Public’ button. When ticked it’ll make this event visible to every single user at your yard - great for when something is happening yard wide.


And that’s all there is to it. The event will now be visible to staff and liveries alike and everyone will be kept informed of the construction work (or whatever’s happening at your yard).

The Event in the Staff Calendar

The Event in the User Calendar

Like all features in At The Yard the aim of the events system is to make things quick, easy and simple. In this case it’s getting information to your liveries in a timely and visible fashion, helping keep livery satisfaction high whilst saving you time.

See you next Friday!

27 December 2019

2019 - A Year In Review

As the year and indeed the decade draws to an end we’ve been taking some time to look back at At The Yard in 2019, all the features we’ve released and our highlights from the year.

  • Going International - We launched At The Yard to our first international customer in 🇩đŸ‡ș🇩đŸ‡șAustralia🇩đŸ‡ș🇩đŸ‡ș. Bringing the best of what we share in common from our UK experience and building new features to meet the specific needs in Australia. We’ve since added 🇳🇮🇳🇮Norway🇳🇮🇳🇮 in Beta and are always looking for new customers and new countries to expand to.
  • Shared, Syndicate and Yard Horses brought an expansion to the types of horse ownership structures we supported. Significantly we added support for syndicates along with the ability to automatically invoice them according to their ownership share.
  • Invoice Improvements
    • Logo Size allowed yards to further customise their invoices by changing the size of their logo on the invoice - a small but effective change.
    • Invoice Grouping - Different yards have different needs when it comes to their invoicing. One example of this is how to group similar items on an invoice. To support this we introduced options on how and when to group these items.
  • Track Staff Working Hours & Generating Time Sheets - As the poet John Donne once said “No Man is an Island”. This is very much the case for livery yards and so we introduced the ability to easily track staff work hours and generate timesheets. Another feature we introduced to further reduce the time our customers have to spend on admin.
  • Composite Bookings - This was a big one for us. It allowed yards to explicitly define rules around bookings that were previously only implicit. All this whilst still keeping things really easy for their users. We were delighted to get it launched as it meant that the system would, for example, guarantee both the arena and an instructor were available at the time of booking without the customer having to do any extra work. This means less confusion, less cancelled bookings and so better customer satisfaction!
  • Third Party Payment Requests - As a yard owner who offers an attendance service (such as with the farrier) you’ll often end up being the one who receives the request for payment from a third party for your customer. Whilst this isn’t yours to pay you can easily find your self chasing people to make sure the customers both received it and paid it! To support this we built a system so you can log the request, notify the customer and track when it’s been paid all from within At The Yard.
  • Yard Wide Display of Orders and Bookings & Yard Events - On a busy yard it’s important to be able to share significant orders, bookings and events to everyone on the yard. To support this we allowed yards to make orders of certain services, bookings of certain facilities and certain events to everyone on the yard. For example, this could be used to share the free call out day of your local vet to save everyone time and money.
  • Published Calendars - We took our first step into the public side of running a yard. With this feature you can select certain facilities availability to publish on your website for everyone to see. With it we started building a platform to support more of this side of things in 2020.
  • We took a little break from adding new features to At The Yard to focus on making speed and usability improvements throughout the product. This included lots of little updates, calendar forecast filtering through to making service ordering quicker than ever. We also improved included products along with a handful of other small additions.
  • Introducing Rotas - Rotas are part of yard life. From poo picking fields through to sweeping the yard it’s important to know who is responsible for what. Be it a staff member or a livery on a DIY yard - this feature allows you to share the rota with everyone.
  • Improvements to Payments - In 2019 we made significant changes to the way we track payments in At The Yard. It allowed for tracking multiple payments for one invoice and storing much more information on how the payment was made and when. This also made it possible to start building integrations with accounting platforms such as Xero (see below).
  • Xero Integration - Whilst officially still in BETA, we are very proud of our Xero integration. It helps make staying compliant with your tax obligations quick and easy by pushing payments, contacts & invoices between At The Yard (ATY) & Xero. When setup, reconciling payments from your liveries in both ATY and Xero can be as easy as clicking 1 button.
  • Service Assignments - This feature allows you to assign individual service requests to a member of staff, contractor or anyone on the yard. This is great for making sure only staff with the appropriate skills are assigned to complete a task. It also allows you to further refine the work lists At The Yard generates.
  • Rich Text & Images in Horse Database - We made some foundational changes to the horse database system to allow customers to start storing much more information in it. From images of the horse through to free form text you have much more flexibility. All this means you can now keep your customers more informed with additional information than ever.
  • The Activity Log - With the ever increasing features and information At The Yard can present to your customers we wanted to introduce a single area where a customer could get an overview of everything happening with their horse. To make this possible we built the Activity Log. It means you can now scroll through and see every service and Horse Database update for a horse in a given time period. We’re going to be adding to this going forward making it increasingly useful as time goes on.

There were lots of other little changes, bug fixes and improvements made throughout the year which didn’t make the cut here or in our other blog posts but they all contributed to expanding and improving At The Yard for our customers.

Our View of The Arena at the Wellington Country Fair & Horse Trials

A highlight for us this year was attending our first show, the Wellington Country Fair & Horse Trials in August. It was great meeting and talking to lots of you as well as spending time with some or our professional colleagues who provide other services to the equine community.

It was also one of the hottest days of the year so we certainly put in the sweat equity over the three days - but we didn’t complain as we also had a brilliant view of the arena and the excellent show jumping that was going on in it.

Our Mare
Like a lot of you we spent a lot of time at the yard. In particular with our mare and unofficial ‘mascot’ who tirelessly poses for lots of our photos and marketing materials. As she enters her 26th year going strong we continue to enjoy every day with her.

With the start of the new year and new decade we couldn’t be more excited about what we’ve got planned for At The Yard. We can’t wait to share it all with you.

See you in 2020. We wish you all a fantastic new year!

24 December 2019

Happy Christmas

To all our customers around the world Happy Christmas! We truly love working with all of you. Spend some well deserved time with your loved ones (both 2 and 4 legged)!