Horse jumping over the text At The Yard
06 February 2020

Messages & Events

Product Update , Guide

At The Yard has a wide range of ways for your customers to record their needs/requests. From Facility Bookings through to Service Orders the customer can choose what they need when they need it (inline with the rules and restrictions you put in place as the yard manager).

However, as much as structure is important, there is always somethings we can’t predict or don’t fit into a predefined box. You need to let your customers let you know what’s going on or allow them to give you and/or the entire yard a message.

To support this we have what we call Messages & Events. This allows you to simply write your message (as you might do on a whiteboard or notebook), choose the horse(s) (if any) the message applies to and finally choose to share it with everyone or just yourself and staff. It’s as easy & as quick as that.

Of course the benefit of putting it into At The Yard is that the customer can write the message from anywhere and that it can be read from anywhere (the office, the stable block etc).

Some examples of this might be:

  • Can you please leave my horse in his box today.
  • Can you please put the blue rug on when turning out.
  • The farrier is coming on the 05/05/20 at 12:00.
  • A clinic is being run all day in the main school on the 10/04/20.

We’ve recently released an update to the Messages & Events system to, by default, make it easier and quicker to create the message. The update removes the requirement to add a time to the event. This means you no longer have to choose a time for an event which applies all day (e.g. putting on a rug) whilst still retaining the ability to be more specific when necessary (e.g. when letting people know when the farrier is coming).

Showing the date selection without a time.

After clicking ‘Add Time’. Showing the time entry options.

And like most things in At The Yard this is then shown both on a users personal calendar & the staff forecast view.

The user calendar view showing the Farrier Appointment.

This update makes a small improvement to the usability of an existing feature. We’re working on some major new features so keep an eye on our blog & Facebook to keep up to date.

07 January 2020

Included Facilities Schemes

Product Update , Feature Tour , Guide

Can you believe the first week of 2020 is already over. We’re determined to get the year off with a bang so we’re excited to be announcing our first feature release of the year - Included Facilities Schemes.

This feature allows you to manage the included facility usage you get as part of a livery/membership package. This brings it inline with the existing feature that allowed you to manage the included services.

How to setup?

We built this system on top of our previous work with service allowances and so it works in a very similar way. This means if you’re used to setting up the services that come included with your livery package you’ll find setting up included facilities quick and easy.

The first step is going to Admin → Services on the menu. Once there find the livery package you want to add a facility allowance to and then click on the edit drop down button. Find the ‘Edit Included Facilities Schemes’ button. Clicking this will bring up an overview of the existing facility allowances you have setup (shown below).

You’ll see all the existing schemes and the details of them. You can either click on Edit to make changes or click on New Included Facility Scheme to create a new allowance. This will bring up the scheme type selection screen which will allow you to choose the type of scheme that suits your needs. Once you’ve decided click on the ‘Create Scheme’ and you’ll be taken to the setup screen where you can fill in the details of the allowance.

The Scheme Type Selection Screen

The setup screen for a Week Allowance Scheme

You can create as many schemes as you need to allow you to encapsulate all the included facilities you offer as part of a package. The best part? Once setup it’ll just work. It’ll track everything for you either billing (or not billing) your customers as necessary.

25 January 2020

Bringing You The Weather - The Suns Always Shining (Except When It Rains)

Product Update

Being Equestrians ourselves we spend everyday pouring over the weather forecast. How cold will it go overnight? Will it rain today? We do this all in service of making the right choices for the myriad of decisions we have to make everyday! From which rug to put on through to deciding when to bring in - weather is always on our mind!

To help everyone with their weather addiction we’re introducing ‘Weather Forecasts’ into At The Yard. It’ll be visible on any calendar view (shown below) throughout the product for both customers & staff.

Whilst not designed to replace your favourite weather app, it’ll now show the overall weather condition and the high/low temperature for the day. Enough, at-least, to keep you roughly informed with only a glance!

The calendar view showing the weather

This weather feature is powered by who’s mobile app we’ve been using personally for years and so we’re excited to be bringing that data into At The Yard.

We’re also using the excellent Climacon weather icons created by Adam Whitcroft ( which you’ll see on all our forecasts.


There is a small bit of one off setup you have to do as a yard owner to get this working. Simply go to Admin —> Yard Config. Once there, click on the Edit button under Location. If you then scroll down to the Location For Weather section and enter the Latitude and Longitude for your yards location. To find this out we just did a quick Google search ( and used one of the sites to convert the location to Lat/Long. Once you’ve done it once it’ll be available for all your customers to see.

17 January 2020

Service Ordering by Calendar View

Product Update

In At The Yard we have always had Services & Facilities. Initially this was to differentiate between:

  • Ordering A Service - which the yard staff controlled the exact fulfilment time (e.g. Turn out).
  • Booking A Facility - which was available to be booked in slots through out the day to allow both the yard and customer to ensure they were available (e.g. The arena).

However, as time has moved on the difference between these two, whilst still there, has become blurred. For example a Riding Lesson fulfilled by a member of staff is still a service, but the timing of it has to suit both the instructor, the customer and also the availability of the arena.

To make this possible we’ve introduced an upgrade to Services in At The Yard - Service Ordering by Calendar View. This allows you to have the best of both worlds!

You can still define something like a Lesson as a service (as it should be) but have all the features previously only found in facilities such as slot lengths, max bookings per slot and more.

To get this setup is quite simple. When creating a new Discrete Service you need to select ‘Yes’ under ‘Allow ordering by calendar?’. When you do this you’ll be presented with the option to setup the parameters of the available slots (as seen below).

Once filled in click ‘Create Service’ as normal and your new calendar view service is ready.

Underlying this new feature is a ‘Hidden Facility’ which is created to co-exist with the service. Not only does this mean we can bring you all of the existing features supported by facilities, but as we add more they’ll automatically be included.

Personally we’re really excited for this update. Not only will it make everything clearer to both staff and customers but it also resolves a personal ‘annoyance’ for us, in that before you had to use various workarounds to make this functionality possible.

13 December 2020

Work Notes

Product Update

Over the years we have built into At The Yard a broad range of ways to help with the running of a livery yard. From service and bookings through to the feed system you can easily keep track of everything that’s taking place on the yard as well as what needs to be done for each individual horse.

However in the running of the yard there is always the need for that one-off task or the less structured set of notes that need to be shared amongst the staff. Things like sweeping the yard, asking someone to do a stock take or to fix a fence are just as important to the smooth running of a yard.

With this in mind we’re introducing Work Notes. Work notes allow you to share with your staff notes about what needs to be done in a quick easy and, most importantly, a completely flexible manner.

Each note has a title, a date (both single or recurring) and staff assignment options. Then there is the work note itself, it offers complete flexibility, you can add:

  • Bulleted lists
  • Images outlining what needs to be done
  • Complete paragraphs of text
  • Links to other documents or websites
  • And more

We designed it knowing that everyone has a unique set of information they need to share and so we wanted to support as much as we could.

To add a work note you need to be a manager type user. Go to the ‘Manager’ menu bar and click ‘Work Notes’. Here you’ll see all your existing work notes and have the option to add a new one (shown below).

The managers ‘Add New Work Note’ view

Work notes will show up in both the forecast view as well as on a staff members individual control panel (in both the calendar and today view). This means they quickly and easily see what’s required on a given day.

We’ve already seen yards using this new feature to great effect. As is usual with At The Yard it’s available for all new and existing subscribers straight away.